- How to always remember that Swami is with us?
- How do we get more bhakthi?
- “How to connect Swamiji and get good answer so I can come out of it?”
- How can we get the Sai leadership to act against what is happening with Madhu and the devotees of Swami’s who are rushing to join up with the frauds in Muddenahalli?
- What will be the signs of Swami’s coming as Prema Sai?
- Did Sai Baba speak about the existence of aliens?
- “Is it possible to have communications with a dead person? As I know, Swami spoke very little about this topic. Can you tell me if the deceased can contact us? Or is it all a delusion of our mind?"
- "Do you think that the medium of Muddenahalli, who now has declared himself to be Sathya Sai Baba is an impostor or is he possessed by some demoniac entity or demoniac evil?”
- Why are they full of jealousy, why?”
- How to eradicate jealousy?
- Why is the world in this situation today that we cannot understand what’s happening and we do not know what to do?
- Why are we so naïve, not seeing the reality of the world today, which is that it is moving away from God?
- Why is God not helping us to solve the problems of this world?
- Is it the duty of God to solve all our problems and the world’s problems, or any other problems?
- As a human being, what is our duty when we see wrong-doing in the world?
- Is the world a good place or a bad place?
- As a devotee, what do you think about spiritual persons today? What they are lacking?
- Should we make an effort to progress in the spiritual path, or leave it to God?
- Why do we lose our health? What do we need to do to regain our health?
- Why we are not able to bear the suffering that is happening in the world today?
- Why do some people betray others?
- Why do we suffer when our families betray us?
- Why have many of the devotees around the world lost confidence in their own religious organisation?
- Why are the leaders of these religious organisations around the world betraying their devotees?
- What do these devotees who have lost faith in their religious organisations need to do when the leaders of these religious organisations go against the teachings of their own religion?
- Why do those who betray their religious organisation have no shame? What is their karma?
- What should devotees do when they know the leaders who run their religious organisations have betrayed them?
- Always I think why people should do pooja when someone passes away in their family, either direct family or member or in their family tree.
Question 1:
The first question is from Suresh Gupta, Calcutta, West Bengal, India. The question is this:
How to always remember that Swami is with us?
Very simple answer: How to remember I have a heart? The heart beats. That’s enough of remembrance that keeps me alive. How to remember that I have a brain? It goes on thinking. That is awareness that I have got a brain always with me. The brain functions, the heart beats, the different parts of the body function in their own way because of the Divine intervention, because of Divine prompting, because of the Divine power.
Well, we go to sleep every night, what we call deep sleep. Who will wake you up every morning? He wakes you up. You go to your office, do your work and return by night, totally relaxed. Who brings you safely home? How are you secure? He brings us safely. He’s responsible for our safety and security, for our health, for mental sharpness, for intellectual alertness . . . everything is Swami.
So we can always remember that He’s behind us, before us, above us, in us. That’s what Swami says in His discourses. Thank you very much for your pertinent question.
Question 2:
The next question comes from Sita Swaminathan, Chennai, Tamil Nadu: How do we get more bhakthi?
Yes. There cannot be more bhakthi and less bhakthi. Bhakthi is bhakthi. Bhakthi is not quantitative, (where) you measure more or less. Bhakthi is not qualitative either. Bhakthi is bhakthi, meaning devotion to God. Well, this bhakthi is felt; it spreads in every field of our activity. The key to this is this:
Whenever I feel that I am the doer, it means it is not the path of bhakthi. When you feel, ‘Swami, You are the doer. I’m only instrument in Your hands. I surrender to Your Divine Will. I pray to you that you get these tasks done by me as Your effective instrument.’
So, you have this kind of feeling that I am an instrument is what we call surrender. This is the way how to proceed and improve along the path of devotion or bhakthi. Thank you very much.
Question 3:
Well this is a question from Asha Samdaria, probably from Chennai again. This is two personal questions:
It seems this person is cheated and in the process lost money; and to pay back, she had to take money from her parents without informing how she is cheated. And she feels very guilty, and she says, “What is to be done now?”
“I’m sorry for the trouble,” she says. I’m sorry for the trouble you are in. Then, “How to connect Swamiji and get good answer so I can come out of it?”
Only thing is pray to Him honestly, sincerely, from the bottom of your heart: “Swami, I’m not at fault. I am cheated. You know what all that had happened. Let not my family members misunderstand me. Let me not be lost from the field of Sai. Let me not be confused. Let me not be in trouble, spending all the time in anxiety and worry because of the way how I was cheated, feeling guilty.”
Please remember: feeling guilty is much worse than guilt itself. When once the guilt is committed, there ends the matter. Forget about it. Forget the past. Forget the past. Start the life anew; a new life so that in the spirit of surrender and deep sense of regrets and repentance, you can come out of that cocoon of anxiety and worry.
With the grace of Bhagavan, you’ll be understood by your own parents. There cannot be any other persons who loves you more than your own parents. They never misunderstand. God bless you. You’ll be very happy quite soon.
Question 4:
This is a question from Terry Reis Kennedy, Vermont, America. The question is this:
How can we get the Sai leadership to act against what is happening with Madhu and the devotees of Swami’s who are rushing to join up with the frauds in Muddenahalli?
This is a question that has been bothering the Sai Organisation and Sai devotees all over the world. How can we get this Sai leadership…well, I’m so sorry to find out present state of affairs that we have to tell the Sai leadership to take up this challenge of the times. In fact, they should be in the forefront and we’re all here to support them. We are all here to provide all the needed information. We’re all eager to spread Baba’s message. It’s for the leadership to take advantage of the manpower we have, of the resources we have. When the leadership is not aware of the manpower, when the leadership is not interested to muster the support of the devotees, how do you expect something to be done? It’s a very sorry state of affairs. In fact, Sai leadership should have been in the forefront. So a leader should lead, and that’s not happening today.
What we can do at this hour is that we all together in our own humble way in Sai centers, meet the leaders, tell them how serious the problem is – that we have to do something about it – discuss in detail, evolve a strategy and work in an integrated, united way. Thus we can help fellow devotees not to allow themselves to be carried away by the false claims of impostor Madhu and also the place Muddenahalli. Please FORCE your leadership to take up this campaign at the earliest. Thank you.
Question 5:
Well, this question is from Rafael Roldán Auzqui from Kaví , Argentina:
What will be the signs of Swami’s coming as Prema Sai?
What are the signs? You don’t need to worry; I don’t need to worry about it. What are the signs of sunrise? Sunlight is the sign. What are the signs of a moon on full moon day? The moonlight is the proof. Similarly, what are the signs of Prema Sai? The sign of Prema Sai is self-declaration. He himself will declare that he is Prema Sai Baba. His actions, his message, his Divinity, and all that attraction, that brilliance around him will be the proper evidence of his mission, of his Avatarhood. Let’s wait till then. It is His duty to show the signs. And we’re not shown any signs to Sathya Sai Baba. He Himself has revealed His Avatarhood. Shirdi Baba has revealed His Avatar, His Divinity. Likewise, let Prema Sai expose, reveal His Divinity. That will be a kind of revelation, an eye-opener to all of us to follow Him unconditionally. Thank you.
Question 6:
The first question is from Daniele, Italy: The question is this: Did Sai Baba speak about the existence of aliens?
There were no aliens to Swami. We too should not have any aliens for that matter. Let us know the brotherhood of man. Let us know how to cultivate love, remain in peace with everybody all around. Then we need not worry about the aliens. We are not alienating anybody; no one is alien to us. Therefore, let us find out; let us work for the oneness, oneness in whatever form one may be. But let our concept be uniform to everybody. Thank you.
Question 7:
Well, Alessandra from Italy once again. What is the question?
“Is it possible to have communications with a dead person? As I know, Swami spoke very little about this topic. Can you tell me if the deceased can contact us? Or is it all a delusion of our mind?"
My friend, let us not communicate with the dead people. Let us communicate with the living people here. With our family members, let us communicate. With the community, let us communicate with everybody in every possible way, (those) who are alive. Why are we bothered about the dead people? They are dead anyway. They finished their job here. They are fed up with this life here. They left us. They are with the Divine in celestial paradise, the very heavens.
Let’s not disturb them by trying to talk to them. Let them not lose their peace. They’re peaceful there. By trying to talk to them, they’ll be reduced to pieces. Let us not disturb them. Let them be happy, that’s all. Let us be happy with those people who are alive. Let us move as brothers and sisters in this community -- the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God. That itself is heavenly. Thank you.
Question 8:
This question is from Silvana, Italy:
"Do you think that the medium of Muddenahalli, who now has declared himself to be Sathya Sai Baba is an impostor or is he possessed by some demoniac entity or demoniac evil?”
This we can look at in two ways:
Baba said, “You and I are one.” Well, you are Sai Baba. Baba said, “You and I are one.” At one time He said, “You are in me. I am in you. Both are one.” So everyone is Sai Baba. That’s why He says, “Sparks of the Divine” and He says, “the sparks of the Divine Atma”. Therefore, we are all the sparks of the same Divinity. Everyone is Sai Baba himself if he realizes “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman). “Tat Twam Asi”, I am That. “That Thou Art.” So everyone is Sai Baba.
But this Madhu declared himself that he’s Sai Baba. Then if I were to meet him, I’d put this question: “You are Sai Baba. I’m equally Sai Baba. You are Divine, everyone else is Divine. There’s nothing but Divinity in this universe. But you want to claim to be Sai Baba by wearing His dress, by talking like Him. That will not make you exclusively Sai Baba. That’s only an imitation. All are Sai Babas for that matter. “All are one, my dear son. Be alike to everybody,” says Sai Baba.
Therefore let’s not consider as a demonic entity or demoniac evil. When you are deluded, the demon has prevailed upon you. When you are attracted to such places, evil is possessing you. Guard yourself, guard yourself! Be happy. Safeguard yourself, that’s all. That is the solution I can suggest. Thank you very much.
Question 9:
This question is from Uma, Puttaparthi, India. The question is . . .the question is interesting.
“I would like to give ‘a gist’ of lead to my query. I was born and brought up here in a city. My family shifted to Parthi a few years ago. (Good.) But I have been observing there’s ‘rampant jealousy’ amongst Sai devotees. They preach Sai literature on social media and in get-togethers, but in vain, they do not practice what they preach!! Jealousy is a vice which causes a barrier on the path of spiritual development. Seeing the current scenario, I have become disheartened and vexed. So my query is based on my personal experience.” (Good!)
When you see jealousy in others, you don’t be jealous in return. How do you say, “All jealous people are here”? Because it is unfortunate that I come across such people only. There are people who are friendly. There are people who are full of love. There are people with peace of mind. Why can’t we associate with such people – of love, of peace? Why do you look at those people who are full of jealousy, why? So we should not look at the negative. Let’s look at the positive side.
“Well, my question is: “Why are they full of jealousy, why?”
It’s their problem; it’s not your problem. By seeing you happy, by seeing you equal-minded, well, they may know that they’re not at peace because of this quality of jealousy. So I should set an example: a man free from jealousy by being blissful. The other man will know why he’s not like me, why he’s not as blissful as I am, why he’s not as peaceful as I am.
Introspection, he’ll realize the defect lies within himself – that jealousy within. And after all, this is a workshop. Puttaparthi’s a workshop. Slowly people get things repaired. Some require minor repairs, some require major repairs. People feeling of ego and jealousy, they need major repair. People with little problems like understanding, like awareness – minor repairs.
We are in different stages in this workshop of Prasanthi Nilayam. People who are full of jealousy means ego is a cause for jealousy. Inferiority feeling is responsible for this jealousy. It is a disease. Take pity upon them. Do you kick any fellow suffering from fever? Do you beat any fellow suffering from any disease? No. We pity them. Similarly, ego, anger, jealousy are the diseases. Pity them, pray for them. And you don’t fall a prey to such diseases. You be resistant. Don’t be susceptible to such evil qualities. Thank you very much.
Question 10:
The question is: How to eradicate jealousy?
You can eradicate jealousy by loving people. Love is the only solution. You’re jealous of other person it is because you’re feeling emptiness, lacuna, within you. One may sing; you don’t need to feel jealous of him. You can play an instrument. Why should I feel jealous of a person who plays on an instrument, while I’m good at electricals…I’m good in carpentry…I’m good in painting. God gives you a talent. There’s no person ever born without a talent. All are gifted. Talents are divine. We’re the children of God.
So what we have to do is let us discover ourselves: what are the talents that I am gifted with? Simple example: well, I have been speaking a lot all these 45 years. If I start feeling jealous of singers, if I also start singing, well you know there’ll be no audience to listen to me. And if a singer starts speaking, people ask him, “Why don’t you remain silent.”
A singer cannot speak; the one who speaks need not sing. So God has given a talent to everybody. Some are good in dramatics, some are good in music, some are good in electronic gadgets, some are good in carpentry, so some are good in sculpture. So each one is good.
Discover yourself the talent God has given you. Improve upon it. Then there’ll be no reason to feel jealous of anybody at any point of time. Thank you.
Question 11:
Why is the world in this situation today that we cannot understand what’s happening and we do not know what to do?
“Why is the world in this situation today?” is not my job and your job. The whole world is not left to you. You’re not here to change the world. At least, I can change myself. You can change yourself. So we have to change ourselves at the individual level, at the community level, then there’ll be change in the world by and large. Order, system, discipline at the individual level will have to go to the community: ‘I” to “we”, and thus we can change the community.
Let me understand what is the situation with me instead of understanding what is the situation in the world. The situation with me is not that good as I’d like to be. For instance, there’s no unity of thought, word and action in our individual lives. And human values are not practiced at the individual level. Then I still complain, “What is the situation in the world?” Well, what is the situation right now with me?
So transformation at an individual level would lead to a reformation by and large at a later stage. So let us examine ourselves -- self examination, self audit, self evaluation – elevate ourselves. Well, that will eventually contribute to world peace and world welfare. Thank you.
Question 12:
Why are we so naïve, not seeing the reality of the world today, which is that it is moving away from God?
Once you understand this being naïve is taking (me) away from God, let me be free from that so I can be close to Him. Let us identify what takes me away from God – the anger, the lust, possessiveness, attachment, greed, being naïve. These are the qualities that take me away from God.
Once I have this diagnosis, pathological investigation, (of) all the qualities that take me away from God, then let me try to remove them. Let me try to get away from them step-by-step, one-by-one. Swami has given an example: if you are holding a rope and trying to play with it, suddenly you’ll notice that it is not a rope…it is a serpent! What do you do with it? You drop it immediately! Therefore these qualities we are playing with them as we are playing with a rope. No! It is a serpent! When once you know it is a serpent, you’ll drop it immediately. When we drop, we’ll be close to God as before. Thank you.
Question 13:
Why is God not helping us to solve the problems of this world?
Lord works at the individual level with every person. It is not an industry. It is not a factory. It is not a revolution. No. It is a transformation. So Swami works at the individual level. He goes on operating with everybody because He is in you. God is both personal and non-personal. God is both individual and collective. So let Him work. Allow ourselves to be positively disposed. Allow ourselves to be transformed at any moment as He wills, as He decides. So let us know that God is bringing a change in me.
For example, having come to Puttaparthi, having been exposed to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, have you not noticed a change in you? Have you not noticed a transformation within you? That is happening! Therefore the feeling of godliness, the feeling of divinity within us will transform the whole world. There’s no doubt about it. But it begins with me first, then the world next. To think of the world –“world is chaotic” – that’s a political approach. Political people, people in politics say they will change the whole world. You cannot change the world without changing yourself. So let us not be political, let’s be spiritual by transforming ourselves. Thank you.
Question 14:
The next question is this: Is it the duty of God to solve all our problems and the world’s problems, or any other problems?
First let me know what a problem is. Problem is created by me. My problem is created by me. Your problem is created by you. Why should I ask God to solve my problem? I keep my hand in fire; it gets burnt. “Oh God, this is my problem. Solve it!” He will say, “Why did you put your hand in the fire? You made the problem!” So, I consume poison. It leads to death. “Oh God, I’m going to die! Solve my problem!” He’ll say, “Why did you consume poison?”
So cause and effect: you are the cause of your problem. Therefore let me not say, “It’s God’s problem!” It’s not His problem. Your problem you have created; you have to solve it. At the most, by praying to Him, He’ll help you to solve the problem. He will show you the way to solve the problem. I cannot blame God that You are my problem, that You have created problem. No, no, no, no. We are the creators of our own problem. Let us pray to Him so that He will show us the way to come out of the problems. The world problems are His problems. It’s not a world problem, it’s not a global problem. Let everyone work for our own problems for taking responsibility for all that is happening so that the world will be free from problems. Thank you.
Question 15:
As a human being, what is our duty when we see wrong-doing in the world?
Our duty is to be perfect on our side. When I am perfect on my side I can correct anybody by love. You see, it was Jesus Christ who said, “Judge not lest thou shalt be judged.” If you start judging everybody, you’re wrong. Well, let me not be wrong. Don’t judge anybody; therefore, you’ll be judged tomorrow. What I can say is: it is not my duty to see wrong-doing. Why don’t we see right -doing? To see the right things happening is positive attitude. To see only wrong things happening everywhere is negative attitude. By this negative attitude, you cannot remove negativity. No, you cannot make everybody free from wrong-doings. Let me be positive. At the most I can help people to be positive. I can talk to people lovingly. With love I can bring them along the right path; not simply saying, “You are wrong; you are doing wrong things. No, no. That will give you wrong results. That will give you negative results. By being loving you can bring them along the right path. That’s what we’re supposed to do. Thank you.
Question 16:
Is the world a good place or a bad place?
You make it good or bad. And Swami gives an example: Here I have knife. With this knife I can cut the fruit and eat it. With the same knife, I can commit suicide. I can cut off, chop off my neck. Same knife. So knife can be used for good purpose and also for bad purpose. Nothing to do with the knife. Knife won’t kill you unless you kill yourself with the knife. The knife won’t act unless you take that knife and cut the vegetables or fruits. Therefore you make the world good or bad. World is good. World is good. You make it bad. It depends on you to make it good or bad. The world is free. The world is available to you. The world is at your disposal. World is divine. It is for you to make use of it. Thank you.
Question 17:
As a devotee, what do you think about spiritual persons today? What they are lacking?
I think spirituality is more an exhibition today. It is more a pretension today. The spirituality is not genuine today. What we are lacking is: we come to spirituality for making our gains, for worldly gains, for this mundane world. Spirituality is not for that. Spirituality is not for worldly gains or worldly profits. Spirituality is a little above.
What we are lacking today is this viveka (discrimination), vijnana (wisdom), vairagya (detachment, renunciation). People with this viveka (discrimination), vairagya (renunciation), vijnana (wisdom), they are the spiritual people. People with the desires are not spiritual. You can say they are religious; they are not spiritual. Being religious meaning you want to have your desires fulfilled. Being spirituality, you’re above want, you’re above desire. That’s what it is. What we lack today (are) these three vijnana, viveka and vairagya; discrimination, wisdom and then detachment or renunciation. Thank you.
Question 18:
The next question is: Should we make an effort to progress in the spiritual path, or leave it to God?
God helps those who help themselves. You have to walk; He will take care of you so that you don’t fall. You have to read; God helps you to keep it in memory. You have to eat; God helps you to digest it. Therefore, you do it, (and) then He’ll take care of you.
Without doing it – ‘Swami You take care of eating…You take care of reading’ -- then what’s your job? Are you a vegetable like that? He has given you the brain, He has given you sense of thinking, discrimination, determination. Why don’t you exercise those qualities?
Swami’s given an example: Here’s a plate with puris served there: But ‘Oh God, take my puris right into my mouth, right into gullet.’ No, no, no, no. Food is served there. You have to eat it. Similarly, it’s your job to take to work and He’ll bless you with success ultimately. Therefore I cannot leave it to God like lazy persons. He’ll say, “What are you doing?”
And Swami gave an example. It seems that a fellow fell from the bullock cart. He fell down. And he was praying, ‘Oh Rama, what are You doing? I fell down!’ And he cried and cried, and went to sleep, got into sleep. There in the dream Rama appears and tells him, “Wake up! Get up! Take the support of the wheel and get up! Why do you, why are you lazy like that?” Then he realizes, ‘Oh here is a wheel! Let me take hold of it,’ and then he tries to get up.
In a similar way, God is our support. He’s our succor. He’s our anchor. He’s our pillar of support, provided you’re prepared to receive it, provided you’re aware of the Divine support. Therefore the progress in spiritual path is totally left to you. Be willing to progress. Be willing to advance. Take the first step and He’ll walk with us one hundred steps. That’s what Baba said: “Take one step; I’ll take hundred steps with you.” Therefore God is always ready to help us provided I’m ready to receive His help. Unless you turn towards your camera, you cannot take your picture. If I turn my back, you’ll not get your picture. So turn to God, He’ll take picture. He’ll come ready to help us at every point of our life. Thank you.
Question 19:
The next question is: Why do we lose our health? What do we need to do to regain our health?
Why do we lose our health? Because of irregular diet, because of lack of exercise, because of absence of discipline, because of mental restlessness, worry, anxiety. So physically we are weak because of our poor dietary habits, irregular dining. In addition to that, (there are) bad habits like smoking, drinking, non-vegetarian stuff. That will make our health spoiled. Worry, tension, anxiety, mentally that also makes our health very poor. So let us be healthy by being regular in our habits. Let us have mental peace by practicing mediation. Meditation for the mind, exercise (and) dietary regulation for the body will help us to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Otherwise, we lose our health. Let us be careful in these two habits, two areas. How to regain health? Well, as I suggested to you, physical level and the mental level. Thank you very much.
Question 20:
Why we are not able to bear the suffering that is happening in the world today?
You are not suffering for what is happening in the world. You are suffering because of what is happening in you. I am not suffering when the other people are suffering. I am not suffering. They are suffering because of their mistakes, because of their own fault. Why should I suffer? Therefore, actually speaking, I am suffering because of my own problems, because of my own deeds, because of my own words, because of my own behavior. Therefore, I need to know why I am suffering. Then I’ll find the cause and also the way how to get out of the suffering. World is not suffering me. I’m suffering for myself. So let me know the cause and work it out to be free from suffering.
Easy solution: pray to Swami. Pray to Swami. Think of Him. Sing His Glory. All problems will run away from you. But we regret the problem, but we don’t find out the solution to the problem. Solution to the problem is surrendering to God. ‘Oh Swami, I surrender to You. ‘Thy will be done as it is in heaven’ is Lord’s prayer. In our prayer to Lord, ‘Let Your will prevail.’ And with that said and done, we can get out of personal problem. That is the best solution. Thank you.
Question 21:
Why do some people betray others?
Well, you are betrayed, I am betrayed, others are betrayed because we’re not alert. We’re weak-minded. We are not so active; we’re not so dynamic. We’re not alert, aware and awake. Since we are not alert, since we are not aware, since we are not awake, we are betrayed. So let us have these three A’s: awake, aware and alert so that you’ll never be betrayed. That is the solution to this.
Question 22:
The next question is: Why do we suffer when our families betray us?
Whether you are betrayed by your family or by others, it is your fault. You’re not conscious of what is happening. You’re not understanding why people are behaving like that. What is the ultimate motive behind them, be it the family or the community? Understanding is not there. We’re not able to understand how people are acting, how people are behaving. This kind of absence of awareness -- not understanding people, that leads to betrayal. So it is my fault and not the other man who betrays me. I have allowed myself to be betrayed by him. Why should I allow myself to be betrayed? Why can’t I be cautious? Why can’t I be aware? Why can’t I be careful? So it is my fault. Let me not blame the betrayer. Let me blame the betrayed for having allowed himself to be betrayed. That’s what I think. Thank you.
Question 23:
Well, the next question: Why have many of the devotees around the world lost confidence in their own religious organisation?
My friend, answer is simple: Organisation is only a means but not an end. When once the means take you to the end, you are not bothered (about) anything, anything about anything. Simple example: You got the car. The car will take you to the destination. When once you reach the destination, you don’t need the car anymore.
So organisation is only a motivation; it’s only a helper. It’s only a guide but not an end to itself. But there are people who are so involved in the organisation, they consider that organisation (an) end to itself. No, no, no, no, no, no. Organisation will help you to some extent. Thereafter you have to work for yourself. Uddhared atmanatmanam: You have to work for your liberation. You have to work for your redemption. You have to work for emancipation. Organisation will not help you. Organisation (is) only a means that’s all, but not an end by itself.
Therefore, people lost confidence in organisation because they depend on the organisation, but not on the Organizer. Who is the Organizer? God Himself is the Organizer. The rest of the people constitute an organisation. So, let us turn to God. Then this organisation will become secondary. God is primary, organisation is secondary. Then you’ll be free from all these hazards, the evils that are there in the organisation.
So God is primary, organisation is secondary. The organisation should lead us towards God. But if I limit myself to the organisation -- I’m deeply soaked in it, I’m totally engrossed with the organisation activity -- when the organisation takes the primary role, God becomes secondary. I’m away from Him.
Let me constantly remind myself every second that God is primary, organisation is secondary. Organisation is a means; God is the end. That’s what we have to be, alert, that’s what we have got to be, aware every minute of our life. Thank you very much.
Question 24:
Why are the leaders of these religious organisations around the world betraying their devotees?
I blame the devotees. I don’t blame the leaders. You have allowed yourself to be betrayed. You’ve allowed yourself to be cheated by them. Therefore they cheat you, they betray you. Leaders are not important. The principles of the organisation, the aim of the organisation, the purpose of the organisation is primary. Leaders are only instruments, that’s all. Leaders are there only to lead you but not to betray you.
If they betray you, they’re not leaders at all! Be away from such people. Be away from such an organisation led by betrayers. So we have to blame ourselves, not the leaders. And the leaders, they may betray you. It is my fault, to be swayed, to be carried away by those betrayers. So be away from such people. Thank you.
Question 25:
What do these devotees who have lost faith in their religious organisations need to do when the leaders of these religious organisations go against the teachings of their own religion?
Very simple! What did Swami say? Run away from the bad company! Be in good company! Be in the good company; run away from the bad company! If the leaders do not practice the religious principles of the organisation, of the teachings of Bhagavan, take it that’s bad company. Let us run away from them.
Let us join those who are pious, who practice Baba’s teachings. That is good company, satang. So a leader is no leader if he does not practice the teachings of Bhagavan or teachings of any religion. If I don’t follow Biblical teachings, I cannot be a Christian. If I do not follow the teachings of Buddha, I’m not a Buddhist. Therefore let us be in the company of those who practice, not simply the leadership who has no faith in the teachings, who do not practice the teachings of Baba. That’s what I feel about it. Thank you.
Question 26:
Why do those who betray their religious organisation have no shame? What is their karma?
Because they are shameless, they betray. If they have (a) sense of shame, they will never betray. And what is their karma? They’ll face their karma. Every karma will have reaction. Every action will have reaction. They’ll face the karmic effects. They cannot be free from the Law of Karma.
So let us leave it to them, to their destiny, to their fate. Let us be away from such people. So those that betray their organisation have no sense of shame. They are shameless. Be very clear about it. Thank you.
Question 27:
What should devotees do when they know the leaders who run their religious organisations have betrayed them?
Disconnect yourself with the organisation….disconnect! When you are betrayed, when you are cheated, why should you continue in the organisation? Come on! Get out of it! Get out of it!
This is seen in the biography, in the life of Sri J. Krishnamurti whom we fondly call ‘Jiddu’ Krishnamurti, who just left Theosophy, Theosophical Lodge: “I have got nothing to do with it.” And he knew himself, and he has become a jagad guru, a master.
So when we don’t like it, you’re free to get out of it. Why be in it and just blame yourself? Why? Get out of it. That’s what we can do. So let us be cautious; let us be aware of the betrayers. There are many people that betrayed many noble people. Well, what have they done? They left them, that’s all. Let us leave them and guard ourselves. That’s what we have to do. Thank you very much.
Question 28:
This one is from Sathya: Always I think why people should not do Pooja when someone passes away in their family, either direct family or member or in their family tree.
This is a wrong concept, a wrong notion. When any person dies, we should offer puja more. The attitude of worship now is more for the departed. We pray for the peace: ‘Let the soul rest in peace.’ We do puja when one person departs from us, thanking God for the gift of his life, for this gift of the life of the departed from whom we have learnt many things, from whom we received help in every way. This is gratitude. Puja when anyone leaves you is an act of gratitude, is an act of thankfulness.
So it is all the more necessary. But we should understand other times we do puja for our own good. When anyone near and dear passes away, we pray for the peace of the departed soul. Thank God for the gift of that person who helped us as a matter of gratitude. So leaving [not doing] puja on the day when anyone leaves you is ignorance. Let us not fall into that ignorance. Thank you.
The first question is from Suresh Gupta, Calcutta, West Bengal, India. The question is this:
How to always remember that Swami is with us?
Very simple answer: How to remember I have a heart? The heart beats. That’s enough of remembrance that keeps me alive. How to remember that I have a brain? It goes on thinking. That is awareness that I have got a brain always with me. The brain functions, the heart beats, the different parts of the body function in their own way because of the Divine intervention, because of Divine prompting, because of the Divine power.
Well, we go to sleep every night, what we call deep sleep. Who will wake you up every morning? He wakes you up. You go to your office, do your work and return by night, totally relaxed. Who brings you safely home? How are you secure? He brings us safely. He’s responsible for our safety and security, for our health, for mental sharpness, for intellectual alertness . . . everything is Swami.
So we can always remember that He’s behind us, before us, above us, in us. That’s what Swami says in His discourses. Thank you very much for your pertinent question.
Question 2:
The next question comes from Sita Swaminathan, Chennai, Tamil Nadu: How do we get more bhakthi?
Yes. There cannot be more bhakthi and less bhakthi. Bhakthi is bhakthi. Bhakthi is not quantitative, (where) you measure more or less. Bhakthi is not qualitative either. Bhakthi is bhakthi, meaning devotion to God. Well, this bhakthi is felt; it spreads in every field of our activity. The key to this is this:
Whenever I feel that I am the doer, it means it is not the path of bhakthi. When you feel, ‘Swami, You are the doer. I’m only instrument in Your hands. I surrender to Your Divine Will. I pray to you that you get these tasks done by me as Your effective instrument.’
So, you have this kind of feeling that I am an instrument is what we call surrender. This is the way how to proceed and improve along the path of devotion or bhakthi. Thank you very much.
Question 3:
Well this is a question from Asha Samdaria, probably from Chennai again. This is two personal questions:
It seems this person is cheated and in the process lost money; and to pay back, she had to take money from her parents without informing how she is cheated. And she feels very guilty, and she says, “What is to be done now?”
“I’m sorry for the trouble,” she says. I’m sorry for the trouble you are in. Then, “How to connect Swamiji and get good answer so I can come out of it?”
Only thing is pray to Him honestly, sincerely, from the bottom of your heart: “Swami, I’m not at fault. I am cheated. You know what all that had happened. Let not my family members misunderstand me. Let me not be lost from the field of Sai. Let me not be confused. Let me not be in trouble, spending all the time in anxiety and worry because of the way how I was cheated, feeling guilty.”
Please remember: feeling guilty is much worse than guilt itself. When once the guilt is committed, there ends the matter. Forget about it. Forget the past. Forget the past. Start the life anew; a new life so that in the spirit of surrender and deep sense of regrets and repentance, you can come out of that cocoon of anxiety and worry.
With the grace of Bhagavan, you’ll be understood by your own parents. There cannot be any other persons who loves you more than your own parents. They never misunderstand. God bless you. You’ll be very happy quite soon.
Question 4:
This is a question from Terry Reis Kennedy, Vermont, America. The question is this:
How can we get the Sai leadership to act against what is happening with Madhu and the devotees of Swami’s who are rushing to join up with the frauds in Muddenahalli?
This is a question that has been bothering the Sai Organisation and Sai devotees all over the world. How can we get this Sai leadership…well, I’m so sorry to find out present state of affairs that we have to tell the Sai leadership to take up this challenge of the times. In fact, they should be in the forefront and we’re all here to support them. We are all here to provide all the needed information. We’re all eager to spread Baba’s message. It’s for the leadership to take advantage of the manpower we have, of the resources we have. When the leadership is not aware of the manpower, when the leadership is not interested to muster the support of the devotees, how do you expect something to be done? It’s a very sorry state of affairs. In fact, Sai leadership should have been in the forefront. So a leader should lead, and that’s not happening today.
What we can do at this hour is that we all together in our own humble way in Sai centers, meet the leaders, tell them how serious the problem is – that we have to do something about it – discuss in detail, evolve a strategy and work in an integrated, united way. Thus we can help fellow devotees not to allow themselves to be carried away by the false claims of impostor Madhu and also the place Muddenahalli. Please FORCE your leadership to take up this campaign at the earliest. Thank you.
Question 5:
Well, this question is from Rafael Roldán Auzqui from Kaví , Argentina:
What will be the signs of Swami’s coming as Prema Sai?
What are the signs? You don’t need to worry; I don’t need to worry about it. What are the signs of sunrise? Sunlight is the sign. What are the signs of a moon on full moon day? The moonlight is the proof. Similarly, what are the signs of Prema Sai? The sign of Prema Sai is self-declaration. He himself will declare that he is Prema Sai Baba. His actions, his message, his Divinity, and all that attraction, that brilliance around him will be the proper evidence of his mission, of his Avatarhood. Let’s wait till then. It is His duty to show the signs. And we’re not shown any signs to Sathya Sai Baba. He Himself has revealed His Avatarhood. Shirdi Baba has revealed His Avatar, His Divinity. Likewise, let Prema Sai expose, reveal His Divinity. That will be a kind of revelation, an eye-opener to all of us to follow Him unconditionally. Thank you.
Question 6:
The first question is from Daniele, Italy: The question is this: Did Sai Baba speak about the existence of aliens?
There were no aliens to Swami. We too should not have any aliens for that matter. Let us know the brotherhood of man. Let us know how to cultivate love, remain in peace with everybody all around. Then we need not worry about the aliens. We are not alienating anybody; no one is alien to us. Therefore, let us find out; let us work for the oneness, oneness in whatever form one may be. But let our concept be uniform to everybody. Thank you.
Question 7:
Well, Alessandra from Italy once again. What is the question?
“Is it possible to have communications with a dead person? As I know, Swami spoke very little about this topic. Can you tell me if the deceased can contact us? Or is it all a delusion of our mind?"
My friend, let us not communicate with the dead people. Let us communicate with the living people here. With our family members, let us communicate. With the community, let us communicate with everybody in every possible way, (those) who are alive. Why are we bothered about the dead people? They are dead anyway. They finished their job here. They are fed up with this life here. They left us. They are with the Divine in celestial paradise, the very heavens.
Let’s not disturb them by trying to talk to them. Let them not lose their peace. They’re peaceful there. By trying to talk to them, they’ll be reduced to pieces. Let us not disturb them. Let them be happy, that’s all. Let us be happy with those people who are alive. Let us move as brothers and sisters in this community -- the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God. That itself is heavenly. Thank you.
Question 8:
This question is from Silvana, Italy:
"Do you think that the medium of Muddenahalli, who now has declared himself to be Sathya Sai Baba is an impostor or is he possessed by some demoniac entity or demoniac evil?”
This we can look at in two ways:
Baba said, “You and I are one.” Well, you are Sai Baba. Baba said, “You and I are one.” At one time He said, “You are in me. I am in you. Both are one.” So everyone is Sai Baba. That’s why He says, “Sparks of the Divine” and He says, “the sparks of the Divine Atma”. Therefore, we are all the sparks of the same Divinity. Everyone is Sai Baba himself if he realizes “Aham Brahmasmi” (I am Brahman). “Tat Twam Asi”, I am That. “That Thou Art.” So everyone is Sai Baba.
But this Madhu declared himself that he’s Sai Baba. Then if I were to meet him, I’d put this question: “You are Sai Baba. I’m equally Sai Baba. You are Divine, everyone else is Divine. There’s nothing but Divinity in this universe. But you want to claim to be Sai Baba by wearing His dress, by talking like Him. That will not make you exclusively Sai Baba. That’s only an imitation. All are Sai Babas for that matter. “All are one, my dear son. Be alike to everybody,” says Sai Baba.
Therefore let’s not consider as a demonic entity or demoniac evil. When you are deluded, the demon has prevailed upon you. When you are attracted to such places, evil is possessing you. Guard yourself, guard yourself! Be happy. Safeguard yourself, that’s all. That is the solution I can suggest. Thank you very much.
Question 9:
This question is from Uma, Puttaparthi, India. The question is . . .the question is interesting.
“I would like to give ‘a gist’ of lead to my query. I was born and brought up here in a city. My family shifted to Parthi a few years ago. (Good.) But I have been observing there’s ‘rampant jealousy’ amongst Sai devotees. They preach Sai literature on social media and in get-togethers, but in vain, they do not practice what they preach!! Jealousy is a vice which causes a barrier on the path of spiritual development. Seeing the current scenario, I have become disheartened and vexed. So my query is based on my personal experience.” (Good!)
When you see jealousy in others, you don’t be jealous in return. How do you say, “All jealous people are here”? Because it is unfortunate that I come across such people only. There are people who are friendly. There are people who are full of love. There are people with peace of mind. Why can’t we associate with such people – of love, of peace? Why do you look at those people who are full of jealousy, why? So we should not look at the negative. Let’s look at the positive side.
“Well, my question is: “Why are they full of jealousy, why?”
It’s their problem; it’s not your problem. By seeing you happy, by seeing you equal-minded, well, they may know that they’re not at peace because of this quality of jealousy. So I should set an example: a man free from jealousy by being blissful. The other man will know why he’s not like me, why he’s not as blissful as I am, why he’s not as peaceful as I am.
Introspection, he’ll realize the defect lies within himself – that jealousy within. And after all, this is a workshop. Puttaparthi’s a workshop. Slowly people get things repaired. Some require minor repairs, some require major repairs. People feeling of ego and jealousy, they need major repair. People with little problems like understanding, like awareness – minor repairs.
We are in different stages in this workshop of Prasanthi Nilayam. People who are full of jealousy means ego is a cause for jealousy. Inferiority feeling is responsible for this jealousy. It is a disease. Take pity upon them. Do you kick any fellow suffering from fever? Do you beat any fellow suffering from any disease? No. We pity them. Similarly, ego, anger, jealousy are the diseases. Pity them, pray for them. And you don’t fall a prey to such diseases. You be resistant. Don’t be susceptible to such evil qualities. Thank you very much.
Question 10:
The question is: How to eradicate jealousy?
You can eradicate jealousy by loving people. Love is the only solution. You’re jealous of other person it is because you’re feeling emptiness, lacuna, within you. One may sing; you don’t need to feel jealous of him. You can play an instrument. Why should I feel jealous of a person who plays on an instrument, while I’m good at electricals…I’m good in carpentry…I’m good in painting. God gives you a talent. There’s no person ever born without a talent. All are gifted. Talents are divine. We’re the children of God.
So what we have to do is let us discover ourselves: what are the talents that I am gifted with? Simple example: well, I have been speaking a lot all these 45 years. If I start feeling jealous of singers, if I also start singing, well you know there’ll be no audience to listen to me. And if a singer starts speaking, people ask him, “Why don’t you remain silent.”
A singer cannot speak; the one who speaks need not sing. So God has given a talent to everybody. Some are good in dramatics, some are good in music, some are good in electronic gadgets, some are good in carpentry, so some are good in sculpture. So each one is good.
Discover yourself the talent God has given you. Improve upon it. Then there’ll be no reason to feel jealous of anybody at any point of time. Thank you.
Question 11:
Why is the world in this situation today that we cannot understand what’s happening and we do not know what to do?
“Why is the world in this situation today?” is not my job and your job. The whole world is not left to you. You’re not here to change the world. At least, I can change myself. You can change yourself. So we have to change ourselves at the individual level, at the community level, then there’ll be change in the world by and large. Order, system, discipline at the individual level will have to go to the community: ‘I” to “we”, and thus we can change the community.
Let me understand what is the situation with me instead of understanding what is the situation in the world. The situation with me is not that good as I’d like to be. For instance, there’s no unity of thought, word and action in our individual lives. And human values are not practiced at the individual level. Then I still complain, “What is the situation in the world?” Well, what is the situation right now with me?
So transformation at an individual level would lead to a reformation by and large at a later stage. So let us examine ourselves -- self examination, self audit, self evaluation – elevate ourselves. Well, that will eventually contribute to world peace and world welfare. Thank you.
Question 12:
Why are we so naïve, not seeing the reality of the world today, which is that it is moving away from God?
Once you understand this being naïve is taking (me) away from God, let me be free from that so I can be close to Him. Let us identify what takes me away from God – the anger, the lust, possessiveness, attachment, greed, being naïve. These are the qualities that take me away from God.
Once I have this diagnosis, pathological investigation, (of) all the qualities that take me away from God, then let me try to remove them. Let me try to get away from them step-by-step, one-by-one. Swami has given an example: if you are holding a rope and trying to play with it, suddenly you’ll notice that it is not a rope…it is a serpent! What do you do with it? You drop it immediately! Therefore these qualities we are playing with them as we are playing with a rope. No! It is a serpent! When once you know it is a serpent, you’ll drop it immediately. When we drop, we’ll be close to God as before. Thank you.
Question 13:
Why is God not helping us to solve the problems of this world?
Lord works at the individual level with every person. It is not an industry. It is not a factory. It is not a revolution. No. It is a transformation. So Swami works at the individual level. He goes on operating with everybody because He is in you. God is both personal and non-personal. God is both individual and collective. So let Him work. Allow ourselves to be positively disposed. Allow ourselves to be transformed at any moment as He wills, as He decides. So let us know that God is bringing a change in me.
For example, having come to Puttaparthi, having been exposed to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, have you not noticed a change in you? Have you not noticed a transformation within you? That is happening! Therefore the feeling of godliness, the feeling of divinity within us will transform the whole world. There’s no doubt about it. But it begins with me first, then the world next. To think of the world –“world is chaotic” – that’s a political approach. Political people, people in politics say they will change the whole world. You cannot change the world without changing yourself. So let us not be political, let’s be spiritual by transforming ourselves. Thank you.
Question 14:
The next question is this: Is it the duty of God to solve all our problems and the world’s problems, or any other problems?
First let me know what a problem is. Problem is created by me. My problem is created by me. Your problem is created by you. Why should I ask God to solve my problem? I keep my hand in fire; it gets burnt. “Oh God, this is my problem. Solve it!” He will say, “Why did you put your hand in the fire? You made the problem!” So, I consume poison. It leads to death. “Oh God, I’m going to die! Solve my problem!” He’ll say, “Why did you consume poison?”
So cause and effect: you are the cause of your problem. Therefore let me not say, “It’s God’s problem!” It’s not His problem. Your problem you have created; you have to solve it. At the most, by praying to Him, He’ll help you to solve the problem. He will show you the way to solve the problem. I cannot blame God that You are my problem, that You have created problem. No, no, no, no. We are the creators of our own problem. Let us pray to Him so that He will show us the way to come out of the problems. The world problems are His problems. It’s not a world problem, it’s not a global problem. Let everyone work for our own problems for taking responsibility for all that is happening so that the world will be free from problems. Thank you.
Question 15:
As a human being, what is our duty when we see wrong-doing in the world?
Our duty is to be perfect on our side. When I am perfect on my side I can correct anybody by love. You see, it was Jesus Christ who said, “Judge not lest thou shalt be judged.” If you start judging everybody, you’re wrong. Well, let me not be wrong. Don’t judge anybody; therefore, you’ll be judged tomorrow. What I can say is: it is not my duty to see wrong-doing. Why don’t we see right -doing? To see the right things happening is positive attitude. To see only wrong things happening everywhere is negative attitude. By this negative attitude, you cannot remove negativity. No, you cannot make everybody free from wrong-doings. Let me be positive. At the most I can help people to be positive. I can talk to people lovingly. With love I can bring them along the right path; not simply saying, “You are wrong; you are doing wrong things. No, no. That will give you wrong results. That will give you negative results. By being loving you can bring them along the right path. That’s what we’re supposed to do. Thank you.
Question 16:
Is the world a good place or a bad place?
You make it good or bad. And Swami gives an example: Here I have knife. With this knife I can cut the fruit and eat it. With the same knife, I can commit suicide. I can cut off, chop off my neck. Same knife. So knife can be used for good purpose and also for bad purpose. Nothing to do with the knife. Knife won’t kill you unless you kill yourself with the knife. The knife won’t act unless you take that knife and cut the vegetables or fruits. Therefore you make the world good or bad. World is good. World is good. You make it bad. It depends on you to make it good or bad. The world is free. The world is available to you. The world is at your disposal. World is divine. It is for you to make use of it. Thank you.
Question 17:
As a devotee, what do you think about spiritual persons today? What they are lacking?
I think spirituality is more an exhibition today. It is more a pretension today. The spirituality is not genuine today. What we are lacking is: we come to spirituality for making our gains, for worldly gains, for this mundane world. Spirituality is not for that. Spirituality is not for worldly gains or worldly profits. Spirituality is a little above.
What we are lacking today is this viveka (discrimination), vijnana (wisdom), vairagya (detachment, renunciation). People with this viveka (discrimination), vairagya (renunciation), vijnana (wisdom), they are the spiritual people. People with the desires are not spiritual. You can say they are religious; they are not spiritual. Being religious meaning you want to have your desires fulfilled. Being spirituality, you’re above want, you’re above desire. That’s what it is. What we lack today (are) these three vijnana, viveka and vairagya; discrimination, wisdom and then detachment or renunciation. Thank you.
Question 18:
The next question is: Should we make an effort to progress in the spiritual path, or leave it to God?
God helps those who help themselves. You have to walk; He will take care of you so that you don’t fall. You have to read; God helps you to keep it in memory. You have to eat; God helps you to digest it. Therefore, you do it, (and) then He’ll take care of you.
Without doing it – ‘Swami You take care of eating…You take care of reading’ -- then what’s your job? Are you a vegetable like that? He has given you the brain, He has given you sense of thinking, discrimination, determination. Why don’t you exercise those qualities?
Swami’s given an example: Here’s a plate with puris served there: But ‘Oh God, take my puris right into my mouth, right into gullet.’ No, no, no, no. Food is served there. You have to eat it. Similarly, it’s your job to take to work and He’ll bless you with success ultimately. Therefore I cannot leave it to God like lazy persons. He’ll say, “What are you doing?”
And Swami gave an example. It seems that a fellow fell from the bullock cart. He fell down. And he was praying, ‘Oh Rama, what are You doing? I fell down!’ And he cried and cried, and went to sleep, got into sleep. There in the dream Rama appears and tells him, “Wake up! Get up! Take the support of the wheel and get up! Why do you, why are you lazy like that?” Then he realizes, ‘Oh here is a wheel! Let me take hold of it,’ and then he tries to get up.
In a similar way, God is our support. He’s our succor. He’s our anchor. He’s our pillar of support, provided you’re prepared to receive it, provided you’re aware of the Divine support. Therefore the progress in spiritual path is totally left to you. Be willing to progress. Be willing to advance. Take the first step and He’ll walk with us one hundred steps. That’s what Baba said: “Take one step; I’ll take hundred steps with you.” Therefore God is always ready to help us provided I’m ready to receive His help. Unless you turn towards your camera, you cannot take your picture. If I turn my back, you’ll not get your picture. So turn to God, He’ll take picture. He’ll come ready to help us at every point of our life. Thank you.
Question 19:
The next question is: Why do we lose our health? What do we need to do to regain our health?
Why do we lose our health? Because of irregular diet, because of lack of exercise, because of absence of discipline, because of mental restlessness, worry, anxiety. So physically we are weak because of our poor dietary habits, irregular dining. In addition to that, (there are) bad habits like smoking, drinking, non-vegetarian stuff. That will make our health spoiled. Worry, tension, anxiety, mentally that also makes our health very poor. So let us be healthy by being regular in our habits. Let us have mental peace by practicing mediation. Meditation for the mind, exercise (and) dietary regulation for the body will help us to be healthy, wealthy and wise. Otherwise, we lose our health. Let us be careful in these two habits, two areas. How to regain health? Well, as I suggested to you, physical level and the mental level. Thank you very much.
Question 20:
Why we are not able to bear the suffering that is happening in the world today?
You are not suffering for what is happening in the world. You are suffering because of what is happening in you. I am not suffering when the other people are suffering. I am not suffering. They are suffering because of their mistakes, because of their own fault. Why should I suffer? Therefore, actually speaking, I am suffering because of my own problems, because of my own deeds, because of my own words, because of my own behavior. Therefore, I need to know why I am suffering. Then I’ll find the cause and also the way how to get out of the suffering. World is not suffering me. I’m suffering for myself. So let me know the cause and work it out to be free from suffering.
Easy solution: pray to Swami. Pray to Swami. Think of Him. Sing His Glory. All problems will run away from you. But we regret the problem, but we don’t find out the solution to the problem. Solution to the problem is surrendering to God. ‘Oh Swami, I surrender to You. ‘Thy will be done as it is in heaven’ is Lord’s prayer. In our prayer to Lord, ‘Let Your will prevail.’ And with that said and done, we can get out of personal problem. That is the best solution. Thank you.
Question 21:
Why do some people betray others?
Well, you are betrayed, I am betrayed, others are betrayed because we’re not alert. We’re weak-minded. We are not so active; we’re not so dynamic. We’re not alert, aware and awake. Since we are not alert, since we are not aware, since we are not awake, we are betrayed. So let us have these three A’s: awake, aware and alert so that you’ll never be betrayed. That is the solution to this.
Question 22:
The next question is: Why do we suffer when our families betray us?
Whether you are betrayed by your family or by others, it is your fault. You’re not conscious of what is happening. You’re not understanding why people are behaving like that. What is the ultimate motive behind them, be it the family or the community? Understanding is not there. We’re not able to understand how people are acting, how people are behaving. This kind of absence of awareness -- not understanding people, that leads to betrayal. So it is my fault and not the other man who betrays me. I have allowed myself to be betrayed by him. Why should I allow myself to be betrayed? Why can’t I be cautious? Why can’t I be aware? Why can’t I be careful? So it is my fault. Let me not blame the betrayer. Let me blame the betrayed for having allowed himself to be betrayed. That’s what I think. Thank you.
Question 23:
Well, the next question: Why have many of the devotees around the world lost confidence in their own religious organisation?
My friend, answer is simple: Organisation is only a means but not an end. When once the means take you to the end, you are not bothered (about) anything, anything about anything. Simple example: You got the car. The car will take you to the destination. When once you reach the destination, you don’t need the car anymore.
So organisation is only a motivation; it’s only a helper. It’s only a guide but not an end to itself. But there are people who are so involved in the organisation, they consider that organisation (an) end to itself. No, no, no, no, no, no. Organisation will help you to some extent. Thereafter you have to work for yourself. Uddhared atmanatmanam: You have to work for your liberation. You have to work for your redemption. You have to work for emancipation. Organisation will not help you. Organisation (is) only a means that’s all, but not an end by itself.
Therefore, people lost confidence in organisation because they depend on the organisation, but not on the Organizer. Who is the Organizer? God Himself is the Organizer. The rest of the people constitute an organisation. So, let us turn to God. Then this organisation will become secondary. God is primary, organisation is secondary. Then you’ll be free from all these hazards, the evils that are there in the organisation.
So God is primary, organisation is secondary. The organisation should lead us towards God. But if I limit myself to the organisation -- I’m deeply soaked in it, I’m totally engrossed with the organisation activity -- when the organisation takes the primary role, God becomes secondary. I’m away from Him.
Let me constantly remind myself every second that God is primary, organisation is secondary. Organisation is a means; God is the end. That’s what we have to be, alert, that’s what we have got to be, aware every minute of our life. Thank you very much.
Question 24:
Why are the leaders of these religious organisations around the world betraying their devotees?
I blame the devotees. I don’t blame the leaders. You have allowed yourself to be betrayed. You’ve allowed yourself to be cheated by them. Therefore they cheat you, they betray you. Leaders are not important. The principles of the organisation, the aim of the organisation, the purpose of the organisation is primary. Leaders are only instruments, that’s all. Leaders are there only to lead you but not to betray you.
If they betray you, they’re not leaders at all! Be away from such people. Be away from such an organisation led by betrayers. So we have to blame ourselves, not the leaders. And the leaders, they may betray you. It is my fault, to be swayed, to be carried away by those betrayers. So be away from such people. Thank you.
Question 25:
What do these devotees who have lost faith in their religious organisations need to do when the leaders of these religious organisations go against the teachings of their own religion?
Very simple! What did Swami say? Run away from the bad company! Be in good company! Be in the good company; run away from the bad company! If the leaders do not practice the religious principles of the organisation, of the teachings of Bhagavan, take it that’s bad company. Let us run away from them.
Let us join those who are pious, who practice Baba’s teachings. That is good company, satang. So a leader is no leader if he does not practice the teachings of Bhagavan or teachings of any religion. If I don’t follow Biblical teachings, I cannot be a Christian. If I do not follow the teachings of Buddha, I’m not a Buddhist. Therefore let us be in the company of those who practice, not simply the leadership who has no faith in the teachings, who do not practice the teachings of Baba. That’s what I feel about it. Thank you.
Question 26:
Why do those who betray their religious organisation have no shame? What is their karma?
Because they are shameless, they betray. If they have (a) sense of shame, they will never betray. And what is their karma? They’ll face their karma. Every karma will have reaction. Every action will have reaction. They’ll face the karmic effects. They cannot be free from the Law of Karma.
So let us leave it to them, to their destiny, to their fate. Let us be away from such people. So those that betray their organisation have no sense of shame. They are shameless. Be very clear about it. Thank you.
Question 27:
What should devotees do when they know the leaders who run their religious organisations have betrayed them?
Disconnect yourself with the organisation….disconnect! When you are betrayed, when you are cheated, why should you continue in the organisation? Come on! Get out of it! Get out of it!
This is seen in the biography, in the life of Sri J. Krishnamurti whom we fondly call ‘Jiddu’ Krishnamurti, who just left Theosophy, Theosophical Lodge: “I have got nothing to do with it.” And he knew himself, and he has become a jagad guru, a master.
So when we don’t like it, you’re free to get out of it. Why be in it and just blame yourself? Why? Get out of it. That’s what we can do. So let us be cautious; let us be aware of the betrayers. There are many people that betrayed many noble people. Well, what have they done? They left them, that’s all. Let us leave them and guard ourselves. That’s what we have to do. Thank you very much.
Question 28:
This one is from Sathya: Always I think why people should not do Pooja when someone passes away in their family, either direct family or member or in their family tree.
This is a wrong concept, a wrong notion. When any person dies, we should offer puja more. The attitude of worship now is more for the departed. We pray for the peace: ‘Let the soul rest in peace.’ We do puja when one person departs from us, thanking God for the gift of his life, for this gift of the life of the departed from whom we have learnt many things, from whom we received help in every way. This is gratitude. Puja when anyone leaves you is an act of gratitude, is an act of thankfulness.
So it is all the more necessary. But we should understand other times we do puja for our own good. When anyone near and dear passes away, we pray for the peace of the departed soul. Thank God for the gift of that person who helped us as a matter of gratitude. So leaving [not doing] puja on the day when anyone leaves you is ignorance. Let us not fall into that ignorance. Thank you.


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